How much water an individual should drink to lose weight?

How much water an individual should drink to lose weight?

How much water an individual should drink to lose weight? If you often come across this question then I have sorted this article for you. Firstly, due to poor lifestyle and eating habits, people are increasingly being hunted by obesity.

Secondly, people are trying really hard, like doing routine exercise, and are anxious to find new ways to lose weight, but the harsh truth is that losing weight is not that easy.

a cartoon character explaining How much water an individual should drink to lose weight - the importance of water

But surprisingly, there’s something free of cost at your place that has proven to help people lose excess weight when consumed in a proper way.

At the same time, we have all studied that a human adult body contains 60% of the water that keeps our body temperature stable, gives moisture to the skin, and not to mention also provides energy.

That being said, only when you drink water properly does your body become susceptible to a plethora of health benefits in a variety of ways.

So, without any further ado, let’s see How much water an individual should drink to lose weight?

1. How much water an individual should drink to lose weight?

man arguing about why he should lose weight

In the meantime, it is said that 2-3 litres of water should be drunk daily. But according to a research, these numbers can also be 5 litres per day. It depends on your fitness level, body type and size, diet, and sleep.

In other words. if you are trying to lose weight, then having 5 litres of water with proper exercise is crucial for your body. But during a workout, avoid drinking an excessive amount of water as it may fill your stomach, and then it will not be beneficial.

Try to drink a sip or some during exercise, and after the workout, cool down for few minutes and then have a glass of water or two.

2. Drinking water before breakfast

a boy showing how much water should an individual drink to lose weight by drinking a jar of water

After many studies, it’s proven that drinking 2-3 glasses of water half an hour before breakfast will let you eat the right amount of diet, decreasing calorie intake by 13% of the total amount.

There are no calories in water, and thus it fills your stomach as well. Doing so everyday will answer your own question i.e How much water an individual should drink to lose weight?

3. Benefits of drinking Lukewarm water in weight loss

two girls illustrating How much water an individual should drink to lose weight by holding two glass of water

When I talk about drinking lukewarm water, I don’t mean that only people looking for weight loss should consider this. Drinking lukewarm water is a healthy habit. Everyone, without exception, should drink 1-2 glasses of lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning.

By drinking lukewarm water every morning, you’re unknowingly eliminating all the harmful toxic substances present in the stomach.

4. Calorie drinks intake

a man shocked after reading the amount of calories processed drinks have

Let’s not forget that we all enjoy having soft drinks, artificial juices, or wines at least once a day. Still, there are considerable calories in these drinks. By consuming these calories, your body starts gaining weight after a while.

The Bottom Line

three men in a supermart drinking wheatgrass juice shots for health benefits

Instead, we have built healthy, vegan, gluten-free, & organic juice shots just for our right audience; consuming good drinks will really help you to maintain your body weight & live longer.

In conclusion, by consuming our juice shots, you opt out from other folks who are still unaware of the health benefits of Wheatgrass Juices & Broccoli Sprout Beetroot Juices. Therefore are injecting unnecessary calories into their bodies.

Health Benefits of Beetroot – Real Facts

Health Benefits of Beetroot – Real Facts

What is beetroot? What are the Health Benefits of Beetroot?

As per Medical News Today, beetroot is from the same family as beets with sugar. But it’s distinct genetically and nutritionally. Sugar beets are white and are mostly used by producers to produce sugar and sweeten cooked food. Sugar from beetroot, often red or gold, can not be extracted.

  • Beetroot contains essential vitamins, minerals, and plants that have medicinal properties.
  • Beet juice or beetroot shots also contain nitrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.
  • In beets and many other vegetables, nitrates are a common substance. Dietary nitrate helps increase blood supply or artery activity.

1. Controls Blood Pressure

Man checking his blood pressure

In short, beetroot juice can be beneficial for people suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure).

According to a research, it has been found that a shot of organic beetroot juice in a day is enough to reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension (high blood pressure).

2. Beetroot maintains the flow of oxygen

man standing & breathing fresh air - health benefits of beetroot

Oxygen flow decreases in the brain in people of old age. But with the consumption of beetroot as a high nitrate diet, blood flow can increase in the brain because due to nitrites, the width of blood vessels increases, thus causing smooth circulation of blood and maintaining the flow of oxygen.

3. Maintaining the Nutrients

beetroot provides proper nutrition to a human body

When we talk about different types of health benefits of beetroot, we need to acknowledge a nutrient named Choline that is present in Beetroot, having a capability to enhance your ability to remember and helps in memorizing things.

Phosphorus, which is found in beets, is thought to be beneficial for hair growth. Beetroot is a natural source, which is helpful for growing hair.

4. Protects the Liver

one of the health benefits of beetroot is by consuming it daily helps you to keep your liver healthy

A study shows that an Organic Beetroot shot contains antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin B-6, and iron. These compounds help protect the liver from inflammation and oxidative stress while enhancing its ability to remove toxins from the body.

This is achieved by enzyme activation and bile flow stimulation. Besides, beetroots are also an outstanding source of fiber and vitamin C that purify the digestive system naturally.

Why should You drink Organic Wheatgrass Juice Daily and Where to Buy it?

5. Beetroot helps beat inflammation


Firstly, the underlying cause of various conditions, including diabetes, cardiac diseases, obesity, cancer and liver complications, is chronic inflammation.

Secondly, Betalains are high in beetroot and have powerful anti-inflammatory effects, reducing the incidence of inflammation dramatically being on of the vital health benefits of beetroot when consumed daily in proper amount.

Above all, evidence has shown that an ample amount of betalain has helped decrease pain, inflammation and joint function greatly in beetroot juice patients.

6. Beetroot juice improves our body’s stamina


Beetroot juice is beneficial in strengthening our body’s power, particularly for sporting people, who consume it every day by not allowing them to get tired. In conclusion, it helps to increase blood circulation to the muscles, improves endurance, and improves efficiency in all work.

The Bottom Line

Therefore, I think after reading the six incredible health benefits of beetroot juice benefits of drinking this healthy drink every day, you guys are pretty much convinced.

In the meantime, if you want to add this healthy Beetroot Juice to your diet then you can shop the Gluten-free, Vegan & organic Beetroot & Broccoli sprout juice shots here.

Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice – Just Facts

Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice – Just Facts

What are the health benefits of wheatgrass juice? Surprisingly, Wheatgrass juice includes all mankind-known minerals and vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, l, and K as an important healer. It is highly protein-rich with 17 amino acids, the protein basic building block. It is considered to be a super-strong health food with incredible benefits.

The greatest thing about wheatgrass juice is that it is 100% pure and does not have any side effects, and can thus be drunk by people of all ages.

This quantity of chlorophyll is also recognized as an essential and rare component in the drug. That is why it is called a 100 percent natural food supplement. It is also known as “Super Food” or “Miraculous Food”. There are adequate amounts of antioxidants and enzymes.

So, without any further ado, let’s hear out some interesting Health Benefits of Wheatgrass juice to the point-

1. Wheatgrass Juice Reduces bad cholesterol

a personal with bad cholesterol

Wheatgrass is exceptionally beneficial for good cholesterol control by reducing your LDL or bad cholesterol level. If consumed daily, you will get enough fibers from a wheatgrass shot that will help you maintain the carbs that will help you maintain weight.

2. Immunity booster

woman suffering from viral infection is a sign of low immunity which may be cured by adding wheatgrass in a diet

One of the Health Benefits of Wheatgrass juice is that it strengthens your body by working as an immune booster. Wheatgrass is rich in antioxidants, amino acids, and fibers.

However, building a stronger immune system varies from person to person. It also protects from viral infections and is beneficial for the digestive system, skin, and hair.

3. Completes the shortage

one of the health benefits of wheatgrass juice is that it helps in maintaining the nutrition needed

It enhances the body’s energy level. A wheatgrass shot (about 200 ml quantity) is a vibrant alternative to green leafy vegetables. If it’s hard to get green leafy vegetables in your day-to-day life, then a shot of wheatgrass twice a day will fulfill your needs.

Drinking wheatgrass juice on a daily basis will compensate for your body’s nutritional deficiency, and your health will improve.

Get your Daily Shot of Wheatgrass Juice here.

4. It helps prevent cancer cells.

bunch of people joying under the sun

Wheatgrass also helps in keeping some deadly diseases like cancer away. According to research, antioxidant properties are found in wheatgrass. These discovered properties not only help to reduce the risk of cancer, but they can also effectively prevent cancer cells from multiplying.

(Note – This can’t cure a disease, Doctors’ advice is still needed.)

Read How much water is Needed daily by an Adult Body to Lost weight?

5. Help to control diabetes.

a woman with a wheatgrass in hand trying to show the health benefits of wheatgrass juice

You are worried about your blood sugar level, not to worry anymore. Trust me, having a content of wheatgrass in any way will highly impact your blood glucose level by maintaining a balance.

Do you know that if you consume an organic wheatgrass juice for at least 30 days, then you can keep your blood sugar level in control? This is the reason that this is definitely an excellent formula for diabetic patients.

6. Pain Relief During Periods

a happy woman outdoor after drinking a wheatgrass juice

During periods, a woman loses a lot of essential nutrients from the body. In such a situation, the body needs more strength, and a good care. Having gluten-free & organic Juice shots daily can do wonders for a woman’s body.

Not to mention, the major highlight of the health benefits of wheatgrass juice for a woman is this.

Wheatgrass is rich in many essential nutrients, which reduces pain and meets the body’s nutritional requirements. If there is more pain in the periods, do not forget to juice up your body with wheatgrass juice.

Top Side Effects of Sugar – Facts To the Point

Top Side Effects of Sugar – Facts To the Point

What are the side effects of Sugar? Today, quitting sugary products is pretty tricky because you have thousands of choices, and escape isn’t that easy. Still, you might think about it again after reading this post. To be honest, stop consuming processed sugar and switch to our Gluten-free, Vegan, & organic Juices made just for a fitness freak like you.

Everyone likes delicious foods such as pizza, cookies, pastries, and ice cream. Many that are on a diet without sugar have many advantages. Still, on the contrary, if you believe that consuming sugar has the only connection with obesity, you are mistaken. We have no idea that we ingest way more sugar in a single day than we need.

1. Increase in blood sugar level

a person suffering one of the side effects of sugar i.e increase in blood glucose

There is plenty of sugar in desserts, cookies, chocolate, fizzy drinks, and juices. These are the foods with high sugar content that should be reduced. For example, cola will contain up to 9 sugar cubes – more than the daily limit prescribed for adults.

Extra sugar consumption raises blood sugar levels, which is harmful to the brain. Glucose, in this case, doesn’t reach the brain in an appropriate amount, resulting in tiredness, which, therefore, can lead to memory loss.

2. Heart Problems

hear shaped bowl portraying a healthy heart

Increased use of more sugar promotes unhealthy blood fat and blood triglycerides. The risk of heart disease is therefore increased, and stroke can be caused. So, by eating less sugar, you can stay away from these risks.

Heart problems are one of the major side effects of sugar. Once you stop taking sugar, you start feeling change inside your body. You can quit sugar and can switch to more healthy alternatives. I have listed some alternatives at the bottom of this article.

3. Low Immunity

a girl sitting in a gym tired is one of the side effects of sugar

The signs of lousy immunity are always sick, winter cough, digestive problems, etc. Many experiments have also shown that the immunity of the body begins weaker with more sugar consumption. Processed sugar raises glucose levels in the body, and also the likelihood of viral infections.

To learn more about How to Build Your Immunity, Click Here.

4. Processed Sugar often toxify your liver

two people holding ice creams is a sign of eating too much unhealthy sugar

Like alcohol, sugar toxicity may also cause liver damage. Do you know that taking more sugar may cause Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease? Liver toxicity can further cause abnormal cholesterol, insulin resistance, and swelling with many other health problems.

5. Sugar speeds up aging

a bunch of old age people sitting. too much sugar cause aging faster

Although you already know how sugars can influence the makeup of your body, they can also affect your skin by causing wrinkles and shrinkages. It binds to proteins when sugar enters the bloodstream. The combination of these proteins and sugar contributes to skin loss of elasticity and premature aging.

Top Sugar Alternatives that will protect your body from side effects of sugar

  • Honey.

  • Coconut Sugar.

  • Maple Syrup.

  • Date paste.

  • Stevia.

Read more about the Health Benefits of Drinking Broccoli Juice a day.

The Bottom Line

How to cut down on unhealthy sugars and escape from the side effects of sugar?

1. By reducing carbohydrate intake:

The intake of carbohydrates should be reduced because it reduces blood sugar levels. Instead, high protein foods should be taken as they keep the blood sugar regular.

2. Choosing Low Glycemic Index Food:

Try eating less glycemic food to avoid having unhealthy sugar in your diet. It would be best to drink wheatgrass juice or beetroot juice, almonds, nuts, etc.

3. Increasing the intake of dietary fiber:

Fiber plays a vital role in maintaining the sugar level because it lowers the rate of carbohydrates in the body. Thus, the rate of absorption of sugar in the body also slows down.

Health Benefits of Broccoli Sprouts – Facts to the Point

Health Benefits of Broccoli Sprouts – Facts to the Point

What are the Health Benefits of Broccoli Sprouts?

Broccoli sprouts are essentially the baby version of broccoli. They grow quickly, reaching a height of 5-7 cm in just a few days. Broccoli sprouts are high in vitamins and minerals, as well as disease-fighting antioxidants like sulforaphane. Here is everything you need to know about the benefits of broccoli sprouts, how to grow them and where you can buy them.

What Are The Benefits Of Broccoli Sprouts?

Broccoli sprouts contain a range of important nutrients, including disease-fighting antioxidants such as sulforaphane. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale, contain this natural plant chemical. Sulforaphane has been associated with a variety of health advantages, including improved heart and digestive health.


How To Grow Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli Sprouts Growth

1. Measure out small amounts of broccoli of seeds and rinse thoroughly with water.
2. Place the broccoli seeds onto a shallow tray and cover the seeds in water.
3. Put the tray into a cupboard or in another dark space within your home.
4. Soak the broccoli seeds for 12 hours. After you can carefully drain the water.
5. Rinse the seeds and drain them again.
6. Place the tray in a dark space for another 12 hours and rinse and drain the seeds with water at least every 2 hours to prevent the growth of mould.
7. Place the tray in sunlight.
8. Harvest them at 4 days when the sprouts are at their peak. This is when they will produce the highest amount of sulforaphane.
9. You can now add them to your foods or juice them. And enjoy!


How To Use Broccoli Sprouts?

Broccoli Sprouts In A Bowl 1

Broccoli sprouts can be enjoyed fresh as part of a salad or sprinkled on top of cold foods. You can also juice them in a blender at a low speed.

Top tip: Don’t heat the sprouts too much as this will destroy the naturally present vitamin C that is key in producing sulforaphane.

Where To Buy Broccoli Sprouts?

Broccoli sprouts can be difficult to find. You may still be able to purchase them from local health food shops, however, you won’t be able to find them on supermarket shelves.

Before buying broccoli sprouts, it is recommended that you study them carefully. Well-nourished sprouts should have a strong, dark green colour and should point up towards the sky. If the sprouts are withering or don’t look like they are still growing, you should avoid these sprouts as they may be contaminated with E-coli and salmonella.

Try adding cruciferous vegetables today to your diet if you are looking for a health boost. No matter how you decide to eat them, broccoli sprouts will give you lots of nutrition that you can feel good about consuming.

At No Hurt No Harm, we use quality broccoli sprouts in our juices. For more information check out our Broccoli Sprout and Beetroot Juice.

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