Wheatgrass Juice

• Raw, Organic, Gluten Free, Vegan
• Extra large size for max strength.
• Certified 100% Organic Wheatgrass Juice | Cold Pressed.
• Each bottle contains 40ml raw cold-pressed juice.
• Never heated. Never frozen.
• Drink straight from the bottle.
• No fridge required. Take anywhere!
• Juices have a 6 month shelf life from the date of production.
• 1 Juice a day is recommended for optimum health benefit.
• If your health is very compromised you may wish to take more than one bottle per day

    • 32.76 € Excl. VAT
    • 48.78 € Excl. VAT

*All prices Excl. Vat
(Ireland: 23%)

*RRP €2.85*RRP £2.50

Wheatgrass juice is harvested from 7 day old shoots of wheatgrass.

The shoots are juiced which is done preferably at cold temperatures to preserve the enzymes.

The juice must be consumed immediately to avoid oxidation which causes the juice to turn browner in colour or it can be sealed and pasteurised at cold temperatures to preserve the nutrients.

Wheatgrass, in its raw state is abundant in enzymes including amylase and protease which help break down nutrients. Unfortunately, the heat treatment process used to pasteurise other juices denatures or destroys their enzymes.

For the same reason, there is no enzyme activity in wheatgrass powder that has been heat or freeze-dried.

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